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In-Running Blog

31/7/2013 5:30 Galway 2m6f Hcap Chs

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Carlingford Lough Winner! 5.40 16.00 £95060.14
Terminal 8.81 4.30 £11855.24
Romanesco 9.95 5.00 £12820.72
Pride Of The Artic 11.00 11.50 £2780.74
Buckers Bridge 12.44 9.80 £3209.44
Jacksonslady 21.00 6.40 £3358.22
Bobowen 22.82 16.00 £1413.34
Muirhead 24.80 10.50 £3472.90
Supreme Doc 28.15 4.00 £2524.38
Majestic Concorde 31.30 23.00 £1685.32
Klepht 33.79 12.50 £2688.92
The Disengager 37.71 26.00 £2809.00
Lambro 42.00 14.00 £1165.92
Tranquil Sea 53.33 7.00 £1416.64
Fosters Cross 54.41 2.04 £6282.24
Quantitativeeasing 57.59 2.90 £8272.06
Laganbank 61.55 5.00 £1759.10
Lastoftheleaders 69.11 50.00 £359.78
Jamsie Hall 70.00 40.00 £486.72
Mr Cracker 75.00 24.00 £1450.82
Imperial Shabra 80.00 80.00 £439.68
Bob Lingo 191.41 100.00 £210.08