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In-Running Blog

11/12/2009 1:45 Gowran Park 2m2f Mdn Hrd

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Alice Bradys Call 1.63 1.16 £130903.06
Belord 8.00 5.00 £7440.74
Miss Hackenbush 21.00 17.00 £678.80
Storm Breaker 23.00 18.00 £239.90
The Tipperary Man 42.00 11.00 £519.66
Leos Lad 43.64 28.00 £125.90
Beat The Recession 44.69 42.00 £122.40
Gogo Gizmo 46.00 11.00 £1389.42
Braddock 47.61 42.00 £81.96
Glenanelucy 70.00 42.00 £76.08
Lees Cross 87.02 40.00 £83.94
Dbanks 90.00 50.00 £85.86
Passifyoucan 140.00 70.00 £23.14
King Of Ardcarne Winner! 241.56 230.00 £29138.60
The Hardy Snipe 244.63 170.00 £33.42
Wolfgang Lad 360.00 180.00 £16.56
Hilgib 488.97 370.00 £11.24
Kiltevnasluckylady 1000.00 230.00 £39.58
Cost A Fortune 1000.00 1000.00 £7.62
Sammies Boy 1000.00 1000.00 £3.62