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In-Running Blog

3/4/2009 3:45 Aintree 2m5f Hcap Chs

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Ping Pong Sivola 7.57 3.80 £69013.02
Gwanako 7.69 7.00 £11007.44
Irish Raptor Winner! 9.80 9.60 £331017.72
The Sawyer 14.39 12.00 £2978.80
New Little Bric 14.50 11.00 £4367.84
Finger Onthe Pulse 15.01 13.00 £2650.76
Private Be 22.62 11.50 £2231.96
Consigliere 23.00 16.00 £1347.40
Bible Lord 29.00 28.00 £787.94
Bob Bob Bobbin 32.00 12.00 £1261.86
Oodachee 33.36 2.10 £20065.06
Always Waining 33.58 2.80 £11057.74
Buck The Legend 35.16 30.00 £320.08
Frankie Figg 54.65 22.00 £1942.86
Iron Man 55.00 50.00 £145.02
Nozic 60.72 44.00 £113.94
Bishops Bridge 66.80 10.00 £1819.84
Ellerslie George 75.13 46.00 £271.44
Boomshakalaka 79.38 20.00 £625.88
The Hollow Bottom 85.92 50.00 £169.44
Cossack Dancer 96.59 10.00 £1337.68
Moncadou 96.91 70.00 £44.48
Milan Deux Mille 104.65 22.00 £399.54
Too Forward 107.03 75.00 £137.42
Billyvoddan 121.49 100.00 £81.18
Bagan 136.34 95.00 £17.90
Oneway 194.46 150.00 £53.70
Soleil Fix 204.36 180.00 £18.60
Le Toscan 346.75 200.00 £27.90