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In-Running Blog

31/8/2018 6:50 The Curragh 1m4f Hcap

Horse BSP IP Max IP Min IP Traded
Makitorix 3.67 2.00 £44266.70
Rockabill Winner! 8.30 50.00 £28262.86
Apparition 9.80 6.00 £3790.36
High Expectations 14.50 6.00 £1281.64
Make It Hurrah 19.33 13.00 £820.96
Circling Moon 21.56 60.00 £317.02
Hey Little Boy 21.78 50.00 £169.92
Wooster 26.00 15.00 £357.54
Father Ailbe 27.09 55.00 £235.56
Crafted Jewel 28.49 50.00 £181.04
New Direction 32.00 20.00 £582.92
Perfect Soldier 37.20 1001.00 £161.98
Trump Card 40.00 30.00 £165.22
Bay Hill 40.00 2.02 £6885.92
Storm Rising 44.00 65.00 £91.58
Bibliotheca 50.00 30.00 £196.10
Archers Up 75.00 9.60 £883.02
Paddy The Celeb 90.00 44.00 £177.20
Magic Sea 132.37 12.50 £280.26
Harebell 209.69 18.00 £348.20
Bobeska 390.00 42.00 £75.42
U S Navy Seal 469.19 300.00 £33.34